Contacts and Community Services

There are a wide range of community services available across Australia and locally in the ACT to support student mental health. These are a selection of services and resources most relevant to university students. See the staff at ANU Counselling if you would like more support finding information or a service.

Urgent crisis support

Emergency24-hour emergency assistance (Police, Fire, Ambulance)000 112 (GSM mobiles)
Canberra Rape Crisis CentreA crisis and counselling telephone support service: 7am-11pm

6247 2525

ACT Access Mental Health 24-hour mental health emergency access & support1800 629 354 or 6205 1065
ANU Wellbeing and Support Line

24-hours counselling telephone support service

1300 050 327
Lifeline24-hour telephone counselling - Cost of local call (fixed lines).13 11 14
Kids Helpline24-hour crisis line for people aged 5-25 years1800 551 800
Suicide Call Back Service24-hour crisis counselling and call back1300 659 467
Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS)24-hour domestic violence crisis assistance6280 0900
1800 RESPECT24-hour national sexual assault & domestic violence crisis counselling line1800 737 732
Mensline24-hour telephone counselling & support for men1300 78 99 78
HealthDirect24-hour medical & health advice line staffed by registered nurses1800 022 222 or 6207 7777
Poisons Information Line24-hour advice by medical professionals on acute or chronic poisoning131 126

Support during business hours

ANU CounsellingOn-campus free counselling for currently enrolled students6125 2211
HeadspaceMental health & substance use support & treatment (12-25 years)6201 5343 or
The Junction Youth Health ServiceFree health service for people 12-25 years (includes counselling)6232 2423 or
Salvation Army Counselling ServiceCounselling & psychology (City & Tuggeranong locations)6248 5540
CatholicCareCase management, outreach, counselling & support (e.g. youth, family, disability & aged care)6295 4300
Directions ACTDrug & alcohol support & counselling service6122 8000
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre & SAMSSACounselling & ongoing support for those affected by sexual assault6247 2525 (7am-10.30pm)
ACT Women's Health ServiceNursing, counselling & medical support for disadvantaged women6205 1078

Online resources

  • Mind Health Connect - an electronic hub of Australian mental health services and resources, providing high quality information across a range of services and needs, (also on Facebook and Twitter).
  • QLife - Q Life provides a nation-wide, early intervention, peer supported telephone and web based service to diverse people of all ages experienceing poor mental health, psychological distress, social isolation, discrimination, experiences of being misgendered and/or social determinants that impact on their health and wellbeing. The QLife line operates daily from 3pm to 12am.
  • Sane Australia - online and telephone helpline, fact sheets, podcasts/videos, mental health campaigns, stigma reduction & research. or 1800 18 SANE (7263).
  • Beyond Blue - national organisation offering information and advice on mental health issues especially depression and anxiety.
  • Black Dog Institute - offers evidenced-based information and resources on depression and bipolar disorder.
  • Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) - high quality interactive workbooks, strategies and self-help information on a range of mental health topics.
  • ECouch - a free interactive web-based self-help program for issues such as general anxiety, social anxiety and depression.
  • MoodGYM - a free interactive online program teaching skills to cope with life's problems, including CBT for preventing depression.
  • Just Ask Us - online network for tertiary students with information, tools and advice on drug, alcohol, mental health and wellbeing issues.
  • Reach Out - an interactive site for young people with help, information, and support for a range of issues, including fact sheets, stories, forums and videos.
  • Authentic Happiness - focuses on developing positive emotions and strengths.
  • Anxiety Self-help - information about managing anxiety disorders and phobias.
  • Alcohol & Drug Information Service - 24-hour information, advice, & support for those affected directly or indirectly by drug & alcohol issues 6207 9977

Private provider databases

Find a Psychologist (Australian Psychological Society)An online directory to help you find a private psychologist for counselling and support:
Find a Social Worker

An online directory to help you find a private social worker for counselling and support

Community services in ACT

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