Preparing to graduate


Congratulations on your upcoming graduation

If you have been 'approved' or 'conditionally approved' (pending your final results) to graduate in the upcoming graduation session, you will receive an invitation to confer your award via your ANU student email account.

Invitations for Semester 1 are sent in May/June, Semester 2 are sent in October/November. 

If you have not received an invitation, but think you should have, please contact your ANU College.

Steps to graduate:

Step 1 - Check your personal details are correct

The name on your Testamur: Your name will appear on your Testamur exactly as it appears in ISIS. The testamur is a legal document and as such, can only display your legal name. Testamurs cannot include nicknames, shortened or diminutive forms of your name, or initials. You may drop or reorder names, but not add names.

If your name is incorrect in ISIS, you must submit a Change of Name, Title or Date of Birth form (available in the Resources on this page) to This must be completed by your invitation to graduate response deadline.

Personal Details: When responding to your invitation to graduate, please ensure your mailing address and contact phone number/s are in English and up-to-date in ISIS. If you are graduating in absentia, this will ensure we post your Testamur to the correct postal address. 

Please note: we cannot post to a PO Box address. There is no charge for postage.

Step 2 - Respond to your invitation

You must respond to your invitation via your ISIS account. Conferral of your award/s will not occur if you do not respond to your invitation. 

You can respond to your invitation with one of the following options:

  1. Will Attend: Choose this option if you would like to graduate in your current academic session and attend the Conferring of Awards ceremony. Your Testamur will be presented to you at the ceremony. 
  2. In Absentia: Choose this option if you would like to graduate in your current academic session, but do not want to attend the ceremony. Your Testamur will be posted to your mailing address in ISIS, so please ensure it is up to date.
  3. Defer: Choose this option if you do not wish to graduate now and want to defer the conferral of your award/s for up to 12 months. You will receive another invitation to confer in the future.

Step 3 - Settle any outstanding obligations to the University

You will not be permitted to graduate if you have any outstanding fines or obligations to the University. Please make sure that all obligations are finalised well in advance of graduation to avoid disappointment. 

Step 4 - Pre-order your graduation documents

You will receive free electronic copies of your Testamur, Transcript and AHEGS within 72 hours of your conferral. These documents are uploaded securely to the My Equals platform, where you will have unlimited access to your documents online. 

If you prefer, you have the option to purchase hardcopies of your Transcript and AHEGS beforehand. You can pick up these documents from the Student Central staff at Llewellyn Hall after your graduation ceremony is completed. It's important to note that this option is only available to students who will attend their graduation ceremonies.

Step 5 - Order your graduation regalia

If you are attending a ceremony, the wearing of regalia is mandatory. Regalia can be hired or purchased from the University's preferred supplier, Reed Graduations Services, by following the link at the top of the page. 

Step 6 - Confirm your final eligibility to graduate

Your final eligibility to confer will be listed on ISIS.