Taking bookings/registrations for your event
Any personal information that you collect relating to event bookings/registrations handled direct by the University must comply with the ANU Privacy Policy and a link to the policy should be included on the registration materials/page. Registrations via third party sites (e.g. Eventbrite) will also be subject to their privacy policy. Detailed information about what to include in the privacy notice, including templates, is available on the Privacy Notices advisory page.
When you are organising your event, it is important to ensure that the promotional material for the event includes information about whether it will be recorded.
If it will be recorded, the following wording is recommended for fliers, Eventbrite or other promotional material, email advertisements and the web page promoting the event (in addition the standard privacy notice):
The event will be a public [lecture/event/symposium/or other event] and will be recorded. The recording will be made available after the event through the <ANU website or relevant website>.
If the event is for educational purposes for example a guest lecture, the promotional material wording should include the following statement:
The event will be a lecture and will be recorded. The recording will be made available after the lecture to students enrolled in the course and those who teach the course.
If the event is simply a lecture given during the course, and all lectures are recorded, there is no need for there to be a separate notification for each lecture about a recording being made. The course outline can indicate that all lectures (or other activities) are recorded. The recording should comply with the Recording of teaching activities Policy and Procedure and signage must be prominently displayed in venues where teaching activity capture occurs to ensure that participants are aware that they may be recorded.
Where events take place online, participants should be given the choice of logging in as anonymous or pseudonymous users through their registration so as not to reveal their name to all participants. Most event booking systems allow for this - in that an individual can enter any name and email address, providing the email address is valid.
Related links
- Privacy Officer
- +61 2 6125 4679
- Send email