Supplementary assessment
Supplementary examinations are available to students in certain circumstances under the provisions of the Assessment Rule.
Students who will be offered a supplementary assessment:
- those who receive a final fail result for a course that is between 45- 49 percent (inclusive)
- those who fail a course because a pass in the hurdle assessment is necessary to achieve a pass in the course, and the student achieves a final result for the course of not less than 45 percent.
Students who won't be offered a supplementary assessment:
- those not meeting the criteria above
- those who receive a final fail result of NCN (not completed/fail).
How will a supplementary assessment be offered?
Students who are eligible to sit a supplementary assessment will receive a PX (offered supplementary assessment) result for the relevant course.
The University will notify the student of the time and place of the supplementary assessment.
What happens if I pass the supplementary assessment?
Students who pass a supplementary assessment will receive a final result of 50PS (supplementary pass) for the course.
What happens if I fail the supplementary assessment?
Students who fail the supplementary assessment will receive a final result of N (fail) or NCN (not complete/fail).
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed.
Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services.