Travelling to Canberra and studying at ANU in 2021

Message to commencing students (not residing in COVID hotspots)
05 Jan 2021

Dear students,

I hope you had a happy and safe break over the last few weeks.

As you prepare for the 2021 academic year, I'm sure you, your family and friends have some questions about travelling to Canberra, living on campus and studying at ANU in 2021 in light of developments in New South Wales and the subsequent state and territory border changes.

You are receiving this email because your registered address is not within a COVID 'hotspot' (as declared by the ACT Government as at Tuesday 5 January 2021).

Students travelling from Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania and those areas of New South Wales that are not designated COVID 'hotspot' areas are currently able to enter the ACT without any restrictions.

The current COVID-safe campus alert level for our ACT campus is low. While on campus, you must follow all social distancing, hand hygiene and contact tracing guidelines. Failure to do so adequately could result in academic penalty. Please take time to familiarise yourself with our on-campus COVID-safe practices.

As the situation in each state and territory may change, we will continually update our website with the most relevant information. Please take some time to review that information and the ACT Health COVID website to ensure your plans adhere to all health and safety guidelines.

We understand this is a busy and exciting time, but it can also be very confusing for you and your support networks, especially when there are so many extra factors to consider.

If you need any further advice or information, I will be hosting a virtual forum on Thursday 7 January 2021 at 5:30pm AEDT to answer any questions you, your parents or friends may have about travel to the ACT, accommodation or our University's COVID-safe practices and guidelines. You can register for this forum here. I encourage you to attend, and to forward this email to anyone who also may wish to attend.

I look forward to seeing you then.

Stay safe, 



Professor Sally Wheeler OBE MRIA FAcSS
Acting Vice-Chancellor
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International Strategy)
Dean and Robert Garran Professor of Law, ANU Law


The Australian National University, Canberra | CRICOS Provider: 00120C | ABN: 52 234 063 906