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Council News – Meeting: 2 June 2023
Council News Meeting 3/2023 2 June 2023 Council met in person for the third meeting of 2023 in the RC Mills…
Increased vaping and smoking among young Aussies a danger
New survey data released today by Quit and Cancer Council Victoria shows worrying increases in vaping and smoking among young…
VC’s Update – ‘ending racism’, PM Modi and Mulligan’s Flat
Hi everyone, This week marked the anniversary of the National Apology to the stolen generations in Parliament and the release of…
Brian Stacey and the Indigenous land rights movement
In 1980, Brian Stacey was a third-year Bachelor of Anthropology student at ANU. It was in one of his Anthropology…
ANU to boost the global hunt for gravitational waves
A new facility at The Australian National University (ANU) will help scientists detect some of the most extreme events in the…
Lighting up internet cables to help prepare for earthquakes
A first-of-its kind experiment led by researchers from The Australian National University (ANU) could help make sure communities…
Early migration out of Africa crucial to modern medicine
Evolutionary changes that helped our early ancestors survive the first migration out of Africa could hold important clues for…
Native logging exit boosts Australia’s climate action
The Victorian government's announcement today that it will exit native forest logging in 2024, six years ahead of what it had…
VC's Update – Federal Budget and bucking horses
Hello everyone, The year seems to be flying by. As the leaves fall, and the days shorten,…
Broken First Nations' water ownership model needs repair
Why Australia needs to urgently improve First Nations peoples' access, control and say over water to improve their health,…
ANU Success at the National Debating Championships
Three ANU students have had extraordinary success at the National Debating Championships. The winning team, ANU 1 of…
VC's Update - The Growth Summit and Brian's vintage
Hello everyone, I've just got back from Geneva where I attended the 2023 Growth Summit at the World Economic Forum (WEF). I…
Psychologists at ‘crisis point’ in wake of disasters
A significant number of psychologists have experienced burnout and negative impacts on their mental health because of recent…
Making evidence a reality
Kristen Graham is a midwife, nurse, educator and researcher. A PhD candidate at the ANU National…
ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI
Message from the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Digital) Professor Maryanne Dever Things have moved quickly since ChatGPT…
Gareth Evans awarded Korean international peace prize
Distinguished Honorary Professor and former Chancellor of The Australian National University (ANU), Gareth Evans, has been…
Nanoparticles help scientists zoom in on super small objects
Physicists at The Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Adelaide are using nanoparticles to develop new…
Chanel Contos joins ANU
Leading youth advocate Chanel Contos, whose landmark petition started a vital national conversation on sexual consent and…
Their Names Liveth For Evermore?
Who do we remember when we come together on Anzac Day and who do we forget? Anzac all too often is the story of soldiers,…
ANU Professor appointed as a UNHRC Mandate Holder
An International Relations expert and human rights advocate at the ANU Coral Bell School, Professor Bina D'Costa has been…