Council News - Meeting: 10 and 11 February 2022

11 Feb 2022

Council News  

Meeting 1/2022 and Council Planning Days

10 and 11 February 2022

The ANU Council's first meeting of the year took place on Thursday, 10 February 2022, in person, in the RC Mills Room, Chancelry, ANU Campus, Canberra.

Council membership
Council welcomed the new postgraduate student representative, Ms Sonia Jeena, to her first meeting.

Vice-Chancellor's Report
Council considered a detailed report prepared by the Vice-Chancellor focusing on the University's management of COVID-19 and the safe return to campus life in Semester 1 2022. The discussion also included a financial update and a status report about the University's work with Australian Public Service (APS) agencies.

Council also noted that graduation ceremonies were conducted from 7 to 9 February 2022.

State of the University 2022
The Vice-Chancellor delivered the State of the University address 2022 on Monday, 7 February.

Corporate Plan 2022
Council approved the University's Corporate Plan 2022 (2022-25) - as required by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 - and authorised its transfer to relevant Ministers, and its publication.

Chair, Academic Board (re-appointment)
Council re-appointed Professor Joan Leach as Chair of the Academic Board for two years, until February 2024. The Chair of the Academic Board is also a non-voting member of the ANU Council.

Other matters
Council considered a range of other significant matters, including the University's Investment Strategy for 2022, the ANU Below Zero progress report, and the revision of several governance charters. Council also considered Annual Reports from the Ethics Committees, Emeritus Faculty, Kambri Scholarships, as well as summaries of Council Committee and Academic Board activity since December 2021.

Council Planning Days Following the meeting, Council continued with its Annual Planning Days, where it discussed in detail the following:

  1. University Rankings
  2. Academic Experience
  3. Equity, Inclusion and Safety at ANU
  4. A new world for the University of the future
  5. Delivering for the nation - National Institutes Grant (NIG)
  6. COVID-Safe, COVID-Normal Campus

Next Meeting
Council next meets on Friday 8 April 2022.

The Hon Julie Bishop