ANU Spaces - Dr Stephen Loy

Meet Dr Stephen Loy, an academic who works at the ANU School of Music

What do you do at ANU?

I lecture in the theory and musicology at the School of Music, a role which takes in undergraduate teaching of a range of different coruses, from theory to the history of rock music.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

I'm not sure I have a favourite spot. However, when I get the chance, I do enjoy taking walks across the campus, as there are so many nice parts of the campus - particularly along Sullivans Creek.

I like it because...

It's just a lovely campus, with so much space and numerous beautiful vistas.

If I were free for an afternoon, I would...

Spend it with my family.

Congratulations on receiving a citation for your work at the School of Music. It must feel nice to be recognised for your hard work?

Yes, it is certainly very nice to be acknowledged in this way by the Universtiy. But also, the response I've had from students, both past and present, on hearing of the award has been very touching. As an educator, you can't ask much more than to have a positive effect on your students, and to have this recognised by the University is particularly gratefying.

How will this recognition assist with your on-going teaching, research and career?

I suppose the most significant aspect is that, while the award recognises what I've done in the past, it also gives me the confidence to continue to develop and explore different approaches to teaching and supporting my students. Knowing that you have the support of your colleagues and the Universtiy is fundamentally important to continue to explore new ways of doing things.

Tell us what inspired you to get into teaching and into music?

Music has always been a part of my life - there was always music in our household when I was a kid, so I don't think I ever made a conscious decision about it. However, I've had a couple of important mentors, my piano teacher and a colleague during my own time as a university student, both of whom were crucial in convincing me that music was a viable, and vital, career, and that teaching was itself a fundamental part of a career in music.

If you could choose one composer or artist, who would you say is your 'hero' or inspiration in the music world?

I'm not sure I'm much of a one for heroes in that sense. However I do have a great respect for the Dutch composer Louis Andriessen, a musical innovator who at the same  time considers the social role of his music to be fundamental. Despite being very successful and widely recognised, he is always looking ahead to the next project, the next role his music can play.