The art of the possible

Jessica Reed (BComm Hons (Finance) ‘07)
27 Jul 2022

How many people can truly say that they got the opportunity to go to a university that continues to influence them? I count myself lucky to be able to, thanks to the inspiring people I met while studying at the Australian National University (ANU).

Both my professors and my fellow students showed me "the art of the possible". The ANU campus is brimming with people from different backgrounds and with new perspectives, which really helps students open their eyes as to what their own potential could be. When I was at school, there was a prescriptive pathway for schooling and your career, but the people at ANU showed me that there is never only one, or a particular way of achieving your goals - there are so many different paths you could take.

ANU taught me to never take my eye off the end game, because there will always be a way you can reach it. If you stay true to your goals, if you're building the skill set that you need in order to be successful in that dream role, and if you take the initiative to meet the right people, you will be able to get there one way or another. 

But, more than any one person, the continued presence of the University in my life post-graduation has meant I have an entire community I can call on for support.  

I've worked in many cities around the world, I moved to New York and London, and the ANU community has been there to welcome me. When you're in a new city and don't know anyone, sharing that common thread of ANU has helped me make connections with other alumni who have welcomed me with open arms, helped me navigate nuances of local market, and opened up their networks to me.

The way that I've stayed in touch with the University, over the years, has been through the ANU Alumni Network. As an alumna, I also want current students to be aware of the ANU Alumni Network's existence. I want them to make sure they're really getting to know those who have graduated ahead of them and to explore how they can continue to foster a culture of connection at ANU. My experience has shown that the ANU alumni will make the effort to help and lift one another.

As a graduate from both Harvard and the Australian National University, I can safely say that the networks you can build with fellow alumni are very powerful and will stay with you forever. Combined with hard work and determination, ANU connections can prove invaluable across the globe. 

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