Ms Debra Mewett

Associate Director, Service Solutions

I know the difference a good education can make to people's lives. While it took me 20 years to get to university, the difference it has made to my life since is immeasurable. While studying I continued to work full-time and know the challenges this presents.

My education led me to a career in the APS, and now I have the opportunity to work as a professional staff member supporting all areas of the ANU. Having worked in both colleges and central areas, I understand the broad range of working experiences people in our professional community encounter.

Professional staff at the University deserve a strong voice of experience on our highest governing body. I have previously represented community and diversity groups, and was an independent elected member of the Adelaide City Council for two terms; during which time I chaired the urban services committee, initiated funding for the Feast Festival and was a Trustee of the Adelaide Festival Centre.

I know how governance works and I know how to ensure the ANU Council hears you.

I encourage all professional staff to participate in this election and ask that you invest your vote in me - and I won't let you down.

Debra Mewett
Ms Debra Mewett
