Associate Professor Aude Fahrer

Division of Biomedical Science and Biochemistry

I am a research and teaching academic with over 20 years of experience at the ANU. My expertise is in immunology, cancer, virology and genomics. 

Research: My current research is on our low side-effect, inexpensive cancer immunotherapy, which has reached phase I clinical trial at the Canberra hospital. 

Service: I have also been highly involved in the ANU COVID response, including in ACT COVID wastewater surveillance.

Teaching: Located in RSB in the College of Science, I convene third year Infection and Immunity, a rigorous, and practical-intensive biology course.  I also teach into first year biology, third year immunology, and into the postgraduate medical school. 

Research training: I have been fortunate to train many outstanding ANU undergraduate, Ph.B., Honours, and Ph.D. students in my laboratory.

I am passionate about maintaining and improving the world-class teaching and research at the ANU.  I aim to ameliorate institutional processes, some of which, in my experience can significantly impede our academic productivity.  As a mother of three, who has worked part time for many years, I am acutely aware of increasingly burdensome administrative loads, and the importance of equity amongst staff.  It would be an honour to represent my fellow academic staff on ANU Council.


Associate Professor Aude Fahrer
Associate Professor Aude Fahrer
